Second anime I want to share you.. Darker Than BLACK. Actually, this anime is not my type, because I love anime that if I missed one or more episodes I wouldn’t understand the story. HunterXHunter, Death Note, Bleach, Code Geass. These animes are my type, but animes like Inu-Yasha, Doraemon, Detective Conan aren’t, because if I don’t watch an episode or more, I would still understand the story. So Darker Than BLACK is not my type actually, but I love this anime^^. I believe there would be more sites talking about it in the future.
In the future, there is a city somewhere in Japan. The city is surrounded by wall to protect the city from outside. Even the sky and the stars are fake.
On that time, there are people who have supernatural powers. They’re called “contractors” and “dolls”.
Contractors are actually human, who are bound by some kind of contract in order to get the
supernatural powers (ex: Gravity controlling, electricity, teleportation, invisible whip blade, another’s body possessing, etc). In order to maintain their power they have to do a certain thing (ex: breaking his own finger, arranging pebbles, eating flower, folding papers, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc). Contractor usually lost their emotion. They couldn’t be mad, happy, sad, etc.
Dolls aren’t actually human. They just look like human. They don’t have free will or initiative. They are just mediums. They can be planted by someone's memory.
The main character’s named Hei also known as “black shinigami (death god)”. He is a contractor with electricity power. But not like any other contractor, he doesn’t need to do a certain funny thing and he still has his emotion.
Hei works for an organization, like a secret agent. On missions, he should kill many contractors (actually, he just hate contractors), that makes him wanted by the police.
I rate it 4 star^^
In the future, there is a city somewhere in Japan. The city is surrounded by wall to protect the city from outside. Even the sky and the stars are fake.
On that time, there are people who have supernatural powers. They’re called “contractors” and “dolls”.
Contractors are actually human, who are bound by some kind of contract in order to get the

Dolls aren’t actually human. They just look like human. They don’t have free will or initiative. They are just mediums. They can be planted by someone's memory.

Hei works for an organization, like a secret agent. On missions, he should kill many contractors (actually, he just hate contractors), that makes him wanted by the police.
I rate it 4 star^^
you could watch it on ( )
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