Next anime.. this anime’s kind of brutal, and a little bit adult. And deep.. a little bit like the Godfather. If you like Godfather, and you like something chaotic, like Gangs of New York, I think you should watch this anime!

He finally gets a break though, as he’s sent by his company to the tropical seas of Eastern China to deliver a disc…only his boat gets hijacked by a mercenary company, The Lagoon Company, that were hired to steal it. “Rock” (as he is newly dubbed by his captors) catches the interest of the only female mercenary “Revy” as she thinks he’s worth a ransom, taking him hostage.
However, the disc turns out to be more trouble than its worth, and complicates things both for Rock, and the Lagoon, because Rock’s company doesn’t even bother thinking of him as a hostage.
Betrayed by his company, Rock decides to join the Lagoon although he’s a good man. Rock proves his quality as the intelligent one by planning strategies and his art of approaching.
The Lagoon has 3 members (exclude Rock):

Revy. She is a gunslinger know as “Two-Hands”, it’s because her skill using two gun. She is a very short-tempered and brash girl.

Benny. He used to deal with computers and electronics. He joined the

The Lagoon based in a city called Roanapur. Roanapur is simply a city without law and full of murderer, trickster, prostitute, rapist, gangster, veteran, etc.
Rock’s always having hard times with this chaotic city, while he’s keeping his good-man ideology.
Actually I want to rate it 4 stars, but because not all of us could like this anime (because this anime’s very deep and has like-novel language), I’ll rate it 3 stars.

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