Do you remember my last post? It’s about otaku. This anime will talk a lot about otaku. Actually in this anime there is only conversation. The characters will discuss about all unimportant trivial details (included every “phenomena” in anime or game) and analyze them with their limited logic. So it will be funny and stupid, we will also wondering why.
Since it is all conversation, I think I won’t give you a synopsis. I’ll just tell you their personality. And give you example of their conversation^^.

-Izumi Konata. Konata is an athletic and energetic girl, but instead of joining sport club she decided to not join it, because if she joined it she will not be able to watch her favorite anime on TV. She is absolutely an anime, video game and manga otaku. She is very lazy. She never studies and always “invests” her time to play game. That makes her very good at playing video game. She never does her homework, but when she has to take an exam, she will get a good grade after studying all night long.
-Hiiragi Tsukasa. Tsukasa is actually a normal pure-hearted cute girl. But she is just as lazy as Konata. She always sleeps. But the difference is she will get a low grade because she is not good at studying. She is Kagami’s unidentical twin
Since it is all conversation, I think I won’t give you a synopsis. I’ll just tell you their personality. And give you example of their conversation^^.

-Izumi Konata. Konata is an athletic and energetic girl, but instead of joining sport club she decided to not join it, because if she joined it she will not be able to watch her favorite anime on TV. She is absolutely an anime, video game and manga otaku. She is very lazy. She never studies and always “invests” her time to play game. That makes her very good at playing video game. She never does her homework, but when she has to take an exam, she will get a good grade after studying all night long.

-Hiiragi Kagami. Unlike Tsukasa, Kagami is very studious. She is also “black-hearted” compared to her sister.

-Takara Miyuki. Maybe she is the smartest among the others. She always answers the other’s questions calmly.
Now I tell you the example of their conversation.
Conversation 1:
-Konata: Hey Tsukasa, where do you start biting into a chocolate cornet?
-Tsukasa: Hmm.. From the head I suppose.

-Konata: I see. By the way, which one is the head?
-Tsukasa: I think it’s the narrow end.
-Konata: But I think it’s the wide end. So why do you think it’s the narrow one?
-Tsukasa: Let’s see. I think it’s because it looks like a seashell.
-Konata: I see. But I think it looks more like a caterpillar.
-Tsukasa: Caterpillar?! (;;-_-)
-Konata: Well, I think now seashell is a better image than caterpillar. So how do you eat strawberry cake? Do you eat the strawberry first or last?
-Tsukasa: I eat the strawberry last
-Konata: Hmm.. I eat the strawberry first
-Tsukasa: But sometimes I got too full and one of my families got the strawberry (;^_^)
-Konata: That’s why you should eat the strawberry first.
Conversation 2:
-Kagami: Konata, you should pay more attention to your social skill and play less game.
-Konata: Hohoho.. Despite it looks, I have friends more than 100. And I used to party every night with my friends. So I don’t have any problem with social skill.
-Kagami: Really?! Wow!
-Konata: Yes. I used to go to the tower and hunt monster with my friends.
-Kagami: So it’s a game after all. (#-_-)
Conversation 3:
Konata: Let’s take off your glasses.
Miyuki: Hm?
Konata: Hmm.. It doesn’t look like that. (;;-_-)
Miyuki: Hm?
Konata: In manga when a character with glasses ( @_@) takes off the glasses it would be like ( 3_3)
Miyuki: Sorry that I made you disappointed (;;^_^)
Konata: But I wonder why it is like that…
Overall rate: 3 stars.
If you tired with your daily life (or maybe worse: playing game all night long), I think this anime is a great comedy for refreshing (and maybe for eyes-opening for the otaku too).
you could download it on veoh.com (http://www.veoh.com)
it's sad that this anime ends T_T
I hope there will be the second season of this anime
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